Yes, I know I am sometimes a bit careless with my blog. The workshop with Christine Dumont is already 1 1 / 2 weeks ago and I have not reported anything.
It was so beautiful and inspiring! I had the good fortune along with Christine and Eva, who organized the workshop to make a sightseeing tour of Linz, while Christine a bit more familiar. And what she had to tell, was very impressive. Eva and I have received including insight into their work for their home
The workshop itself was very well constructed. Christine gave us slowly introduced to her butterfly beads and then showed us more and more variations. On the second day we were to produce our own design for a masterpiece. I of course tried my "boat" to bring, in my opinion, but only with moderate success. But I have an original - Butterfly Pendant by Christine Bell done.
Saturday night was Eva so nice to us all invited to a party at their farm. I thought it was beautiful at this social gathering the other workshop participants get to know better. On this occasion we have also made a pendant swap. I found this idea very nice. Any who wanted to join, has thrown a trailer into a large bag and then another pulled it. My Christine and has drawn him equal worn the next day. Is not that sweet?
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