Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dungeons And Dragons Costumes

Waiting for Christmas ...

The days are getting shorter and the nights longer more ... We wait
all the winter solstice and Christmas.

So you need a little excitement to the garden next year, so I'm in a fit of mental derangement 26 different vegetable seeds - ordered rarities.

Did I ever have enough space to
to planting 11 different beans varieties ? Hmm ...
then just made room for the green weeds, oh yes, it is called soft turf, have ... Here's the link - a small shop on a private basis Austrian seeds, vegetable seeds are available only in small quantities. But for the private growing, they are sufficient:
A small contribution to the varieties get. When I next fall harvest seeds myself, I will continue to give away to my friends and acquaintances.
cat Charlie, otherwise always on the move, is now almost always indoors ...
nap follows another nap .... but Psssstttt .....
Charlie .... your food! !
Aha, do go ....

The Advent ...
I bound from various conifers Green ,
.... and with a few rusty stars and a berry garland adorned
from all my Christmas stock. The angel is from the Christmas Bazaar to a friend.

Also on Winter decoration to the dining table has taken hold. First I wanted to inject the corkscrew hazel branch white, but the effort was too big to me then. Our "old" snowflakes and snow crystals now adorn the giant branch. The Rose Pictures summer I replaced with a winter motif - the pictures made by my husband and they are from the winter of 2009 - all here in the area ... the little boy right up is our son ...
For Swiss Readers: The 30x30cm large poster I ordered from Express poster. Not only the quality convinces, but also the price. Within two days my order was there. (Incidentally, I get no advertising commission ;-) but I like it on other blogs like it when the sources are announced)
Riet 2009

The kids enjoy the snow to the fullest ...

I'm against everything on the new sofa to find ....
The old grandfather clock we bought at an antique market. It was a bargain, because the dealer did not want to transport them. In our previous old building they had a wonderful piece of pure and fit perfectly! In the new house it is perhaps here or there, it unfortunately has not found a real home - we sell to even consider it ... but oh well, that can wait. The grandfather clock is from the estate of an architect (which made me very happy)
Our Advent met (every year the same) its purpose, I have at that time a wood blank painted shaped head with clay and with a beard pasted certainly no masterpiece, But the children love him ! They take turns every day, for more than a Schöggeli hats in the little wooden drawers but no space. hang

On the wall at the entrance just images white shelves from IKEA , here the menu changes according to season, even painted painted, tinkered, current books or decoration.
The Christmas books are stored for the year in boxes in the attic and until December 1 to again. This is for our children always like a "little Christmas" because what stores long, we like to and then forget all the "new"
and last but not least, our stray ... now named Giacomo . He knows nothing, out only briefly, and only nachhilft if, rechtsumkehrt and right at the window again until you excavate mercy ...

who does not know anyway, which were recommended by the films 'Simon's Cat'.


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