Monday, January 10, 2011

Spandex Cameltoe Volley

by Carla of selbergmacht Blog I've got this:

I'll give him more of those blogs that I like to read
love blogger / inside: The
goal of this action is that we are unknown to bring
good blogs to light,
so I would ask you any blogs to post,
have already 3,000 readers,
but talented beginners and people who
blogging although has been a while,
always not yet known.

You have been tagged and want to join?
Create a post by you post the Love Blog
image and the instructions reinkopierst (= the text you are reading). Besides, you should
the person link to the blog,
has given you the award
and by comments in their Blog inform
that you accept the award and her
hyperlink to your Posts Award there.
Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs,
you also in your post
and the owners each link by the comment - will inform function,
that they were tagged
and here also the link of the post give us is
is where the declaration .
So, and here they are:

Irene's Garden Happiness I read a long time, I like her garden very much! Highly recommended!
Sanspareil's Garden , in southern climes, which is still pretty fresh, but already created what was revealed for a piece of jewelry it will be.
In Photo thoughts I let my thoughts wander to the beautiful pictures and matching text.
As the name suggests, Rosanas Rose Garden shows gorgeous flower photos and much more
Ida Garden ceramics. makes their own great Dekosachen same
missing and there Alex's Gwundergarten: I like their way of writing and photographing their fabulous work for the animals at the shelter ... and ever Alex, I like you very

It now 7 blogs have become in many that I like very much ... my reading list currently includes 86 blogs and I read them all, but can not always one! comment
oh, I still have one. Tanya's 'myJadore' shows pictures of her exquisitely beautiful Provence house in the Swiss mountains ... hey Tanya, welcome to the blogger world! packed

LG Carmen


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